Nu Vision Youth Ministry
Nu Vision is a comprehensive ministry that addresses the pertinent concerns of this generation and provides teaching of practical and relevant Christian based beliefs. The Nu Vision Youth Ministry is designed to provide answers to new age questions about Christian faith and personal spiritual development. The mission and objective of the Nu Vision Ministry is to facilitate and assist with the discovery of purpose, the development of gifts and talents and to explore educational career goals for young people. This pertinent ministry provides a wholesome social platform for an emerging generation of faith believers.

Millennial Ministry Experience
“Millennials” typically grouped as people born between the years 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018) are the rising generation of church leaders at AMCOGIC. As defenders of authenticity, advocates for the less fortunate and enthusiastic engagers, the Millennial Ministry seeks to understand the truth of God’s Word, be active participants in our local and global communities and create pure and dependable relationships through consistent fellowship and interaction with community. With the heart Christ at the center of ours, our aim is that our ministry reflects His.
Male Impact
The Male Impact Ministry of the Allen Memorial Church is grateful for the privilege to stand with our pastor to facilitate the mission of our church and realize the vision for men and the evolving generation. The Male Impact Ministry is Bible based in mission to minister to the needs of all Men and the next generation. Reaching men for Jesus Christ is fundamental to our vision. Successful family is a spiritual and essential objective of our effort. We are committed to service that will have a positive impact upon our church, family and community to the Glory of God.

Women's Ministry
The Allen Memorial Women’s Ministry is a dynamic ministry that provides opportunities for all women to grow and develop laying a spiritual foundation, guidance, and word centered lifestyle prescriptions relative to women. Women are offered an opportunity to participate in monthly sessions that give hands on opportunities and yield lively discussion and personal interactions that assist women in their decisions making choices. Our main goal is to provide an atmosphere where women can heal, be encouraged, and be set free from the cares of this life; As they focus on their spiritual connection to Christ Jesus
Care Ministry
Our Care groups are small cell divisions of the church membership assembled to preserve intimate fellowship and assist with pastoral care. Love is the central theme of the Care Ministry. The care groups are where people can find trust and personal concern outside the office of the pastor. The care group is where new members can personally find the love of Christ on display in a fast and growing church. The love of Christ bonds each care group member one to the other. Each Group accepts every member where they are and provides acceptance to other people who come the Allen Memorial church. The Care Group is where heart to heart fellowship takes place and deep Christian relationship are formed in the body of Christ.

Senior Ministry
The Senior Society is designed to provide an informal setting for the women of the church 60 years of age and older to gather, fellowship, socialize, be productive, share and receive information and services pertinent to a mature population. In this setting, we will discuss and present speakers on topics of interest, important information needed at this point in our lives, and provide other support services. In addition, nutrition, exercise, life skills, and entertainment will be shared. The society will also enjoy fun-filled off-site activities.
Drama Ministry
The AMCOGIC drama ministry is made up of men, women, youth and children who have a desire to minister to each other, the church family, and to those in our “mission field” who are outside the physical walls of our church through the medium of drama. We are not perfect actors or actresses but our gifts and talents are perfected through Jesus Christ. Our mission is to present the Word of God through biblical stories, real life stories and fictional situations that with the Holy Spirit’s leading many will be encouraged to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and many will be encouraged to finish the race that has been set before them.